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Tawhid is the concept of God in Islam which says that only one God exists.

It says that Allah (God) is unique and has no equal. It says that there can be no partners (equals) to Allah. It also says that Allah is whole and not made up of different parts.

Tawhid is an essential part of Islam. To become a Muslim it is necessary to accept it.

It is the first of the five principles of faith of Shia Islam, the Usul ad-Din.

The concept of Tawhid has many implications. Since Allah is the only power, both good and bad flow from Allah. So, anything good or bad that happens to a person is from Allah and all (good and bad) must be accepted.

Since Allah is the only power worth worshipping, it is not allowed to rely on any other source for help.

The image shows “al-wahid” (“the unique”), one of the names of God in Islam.

Video: The Oneness of God

Text adapted from Simple English Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.

Allah name 66 al wahid by Hadysylmy on Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 4.0.