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Muslims and Christians join hands in prayer.

In Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, prayer is often a way of communicating with God. There are many different ways to pray. Prayer can be spoken, silent, or in a song. A prayer can be read from a text, or by made up on the spot. It can be done alone or in groups. It can be used to praise God or to ask for something including help and forgiveness.

In Islamic tradition, praying five times a day (Salat) is considered a religious duty for Muslims. Many Christians see prayer as a way of talking to and getting close to God. For observant Jews, prayer is an obligation. They pray multiple times a day following a set text, as well as on holidays. Many prayers are sung or chanted. Some prayers can only be said when there are 10 adults (traditionally, men) together.

Text adapted from Simple English Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.

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