East Ward Primary School in Manchester has shared some great activities with us undertaken during Interfaith Week and we want to share some of them with you.
Head Teacher Karen Young, explained that the entire school was shown the Challenge Video in an assembly themed around what ‘faith’ means to different people irrespective of religion. After watching the video adults and pupils from different backgrounds, cultures and faiths across the school discussed what their beliefs meant to them.
The school created packs for teachers to use during Interfaith Week using the Teaching Guidance and Classroom Resources and shared Rul’s top tips for being a Responsible Citizen. At the start of Interfaith Week each class was also given a brightly coloured ribbon along with some suggestions as to how they might use it to represent their faiths, friendships and community.
During Art, PSHE, RE and Literacy lessons classes across the school explored different faiths within their school using the videos and photographs in Pupil’s Resources. East Ward Primary also invited two faith leaders to talk to the school and created Peace Mala bracelets to take home.
Thank you East Ward for sharing your great work with us!