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In general, revelation refers to an act in which a divine being conveys a message, teaching, or truth to humans. In this sense, it is also an act in which G-d reveals G-d’s self to human beings.

There are different kinds of revelation across different religious traditions. Revelation is also much debated within different religious traditions.

Many Jews, Christians, and Muslims hold that their religion’s scripture was revealed by G-d. For instance, some Jews hold that G-d revealed the Torah (and Oral Torah) to Moses at Mt Sinai. Many Muslims hold that the Qu’ran was revealed to Muhammad by Allah via the angel Jibril.

Many Christians believe in private revelations. This means that G-d sends messages to individuals, which can come in a variety of ways.

This image is the 17th century painter Belisario Corenzio’s “Vision during a mass”.

Text adapted from English Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.

Belisario Corenzio "Vision During a Mass" (1630), Smithsonian Design Museum, Public Domain