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In some religions, the Devil is an evil spirit, demon or supernatural being. In these traditions, the Devil often tries to make problems for people and distance them from God.

The Hebrew Bible uses the name “Satan” (meaning ‘opponent’, ‘adversary’, or ‘prosecutor’). However, different Jewish sources depict Satan in different ways. Different Jewish traditions also interpret Satan in different ways. For most Jews, Satan does not play a big role in their understanding of Jewish life.

The Qur’an names “Shaitan” or “Iblis”. Shaitan is an evil being who often appears as an animal. He tries to get people to do the wrong thing. In Islamic tradition, like Jewish tradition, the nature and role of Shaitan is debated.

For many Christians, the Devil plays a big role in their understanding of Christianity. Christian tradition sees the forces of good and evil as locked in a struggle that God will eventually win. There is also a long tradition in Christianity of associating the devil with supposed enemies of Christianity.

This painting is from the 15th century. It shows the Archangel Michael triumphant over Satan.

Text adapted from Simple English Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.

"Der Erzengel Michael" by Riccardo Quartararo, Hampel Auctions via Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain.